10 Key Tricks to brush rhinestones

tip 1

Tip 1

Use a large workspace for brushing rhinestones.

tip 2

Tip 2

Use ss10 rhinestone size and cut magic flock circles at .135"

tip 3

Tip 3

Use large amount of stones when brushing

tip 4

Tip 4

Use monster brush for bigger brush area

tip 5

Tip 5

Brush in large circles to get the stones in and brush straight to get excess stones out.

tip 6

Tip 6

Identify your stone by looking at the backing. if it's gray it has hot-fix glue on them.

Tip 7

The flatbacks on the stones makes them fall into the magic template right side up.

tip 8

Tip 8

Don't use tweezer, grab your brush, add more stone and brush.

tip 9

Tip 9

When dropping the Hot-fix tape, form a U shape and drop it in the middle quickly.

tip 10

Tip 10

When done using the magic flock, stick on the backing of the hot-fix tape and store for next time use.