Halloween MagA Bling T-shirt
includes over 7,000 rhinestones
Step 1
Use a vinyl cutter and cut out all the designs on the Magic Flock material.
Tips: To save some Magic Flock materials, in the design software, add all the same color designs together in one template and cut them out. Each design could be separate with scissors before pressing on the t-shirt.
Step 2
Stick the magic flock template on the table and brush rhinestones on.
Tips: To save time, stick all the magic flock template of the same color on the table and brush them all at once, or brush the ones with the same colors first.
Step 3
Place hot-fix tape on top of the rhinestones, press firmly to transfer.
Tips: If you want to save some hot-fix tape material, cut a bigger piece of the hot-fix tape to fit the biggest magic flock template. Then reuse it and cut it down for smaller design parts. Hot-fix tape can be reuse a few times.
Step 4
Set heat press to 325° F and press for 15 secs.
Tips: If you are layering 2 rhinestone colors for a design, reduce the press time to 8 secs for the first color press and a full 15 secs for both colors.
Step 5
Remove the Hot-fix tape and you are done with one design.
Tips: Never press rhinestones directly on the heat press, make sure to add cover sheets on top to protect the stones that doesn't have hot-fix tape covered on them.
Step 6
Repeat step 2 to step 5 to finish the t-shirt.